Your life goals evolve over time. Choose a policy built for change.
Grow your wealth and provide protection against death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) for your loved ones, based on your timeline.

Mr. Lim's profile:
Mr. Lim is 40 years old. He is married with a 9-year-old kid and is a non-smoker.
Policy details:
He chose MaxEmpower with annual premium of RM10,000 for 5 years to prepare for his son's university education expenses with a policy term of 10 years.
He also opted for UL Critical Illness Waiver Rider* of RM106 for 5 years and has the flexibility to extend the policy for another 30 years (up to age 80 years) to supplement his retirement.
*Optional UL Critical Illness Waiver Rider is subject to product availability for policy under medical underwriting only. This is for illustration purposes only and the projected returns are non-guaranteed. Terms and conditions apply.
** Annualised Return for guaranteed benefits only = 0.00% a year
*** Annualised Return for total benefits inclusive of non-guaranteed payments = 0.00% a year
**** Annualised Return for total benefits inclusive of non-guaranteed payments = 0.11% a year
The premiums that you pay contribute to both savings and protection elements of the product, e.g. death benefits. If you are looking for financial products with savings element, you may wish to compare annualised returns of this policy with the effective returns of other investment alternatives. The numbers shown above are based on Total Basic Premium Paid of RM50,000 for the basic plan.
*Optional UL Critical Illness Waiver Rider is subject to product availability for policy under medical underwriting only. This is for illustration purposes only and the projected returns are non-guaranteed. Terms and conditions apply.
** Annualised Return for guaranteed benefits only = 0.00% a year
*** Annualised Return for total benefits inclusive of non-guaranteed payments = 1.43% a year
**** Annualised Return for total benefits inclusive of non-guaranteed payments = 3.35% a year
The premiums that you pay contribute to both savings and protection elements of the product, e.g. death benefits. If you are looking for financial products with savings element, you may wish to compare annualised returns of this policy with the effective returns of other investment alternatives. The numbers shown above are based on Total Basic Premium Paid of RM50,000 for the basic plan.
The policy will not pay any benefits under the following circumstances:
- Death during the first (1st) policy year from the risk commentment date or the date of any reinstatement of the policy, whichever is later, as a result of suicide, while same or insane.
- Total and Permanent Disability caused directly or indirectly by self infected injuries, while sane or insane.
- Total and Permanent Disability existed prior to the risk commentment date or the date of any reinstatement of the policy, whichever is later.
The exclusions highlighted here are not exhaustive. Full details of exclusions are available in the policy document.
Terms and conditions apply. You are advised to refer to any OCBC Bank sales staff for the Sale Illustration, Product Disclosure Sheet, brochure adn sample policy contract for details of important features, benefits and exclusions of the plan before purchasing it. This is a life insurance plan underwritten by Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malayisa) Berhad (198201013982/93745-A) and OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad (199401009721/295400-W) is the distributor of this product. This insurance product is not a bank deposit and is not an obligation of or guaranteed pr insured by OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad. Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (198201013982/93745-A) is licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad is a member of Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM). As a member of PIDM, some of the benefit(s) payable under the eligible/product is protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM's TIPS Brochure or PIDM website.
PIDM's TIPS Brochure
or visit us at a branch
Maturity Benefit
At policy maturity, you will receive the higher of:
- Your Basic Policy Account Value (BPAV) and Maturity Booster; or
- 100% of your total premiums paid
If there is any unpaid premium and overdue premium interest upon maturity, only Basic Policy Account Value shall be payable in one lump sum.
Maturity Booster
Maturity Booster is based on your policy term. The total value of Maturity Booster payable is up to the value of total premiums paid.
Policy Terms | % of Basic Policy Account Value (BPAV) |
10 -14 years | 3% |
15 -24 years | 6% |
25 -34 years | 10% |
35 - 40 years | 15% |
The Maturity Booster is not guaranteed and may not be payable in the event of adverse investment performance, or if there is any unpaid premium and overdue premium interest upon maturity.
Customisable Protection
Choose to attach any of these 3 optional riders to your policy.
UL Critical Illness (CI) Waiver Rider |
UL Payer Benefit Rider | UL Term Rider |
Takes care of the future premiums of your basic plan and riders should any of the 35 covered critical illnesses occur to the Life Assured. | Takes care of the future premiums of your basic plan and riders in the event of Death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) of the Payer. | Provides additional lump sum payout upon Death or TPD of the Life Assured. |
Only available for policy with medical underwriting and subject to product availability.
No-Lapse Guarantee (NLG)
Ensures that your policy will not lapse even when the account value drops to zero, provided all regular premiums and overdue premium interest (if any) are paid up to date.
During NLG period, all benefits under the basic policy will be payable.
The accumulated unpaid policy fees and insurance charges will be deducted in the event of the following occurrence:
- When the premium is paid;
- Upon partial or full surrender of BPAV; or
- From any benefit or claim proceeds payable under this policy.
NLG is not applicable to riders attachable to the policy.