Deposit-i accounts designed to suit your banking needs

Fixed Deposit Account-i
Secure attractive returns with fixed tenures of up to 60 months at profit rates of up to 2.60% a year.

Day-to-Day Banking
Earn profit rates of up to 3.25% a year when you deposit, pay bills and spend.

Current Account-i
A current account with monthly statements and unlimited cheques for your needs.

Savings Account-i
Give your savings a boost when you combine it with your wealth, profit rates of up to 3.35% a year.
Access your basic savings account online and manage your money easily with monthly statements.
Enjoy up to 1.25% in profit a year when you save and do not make any withdrawals.

Foreign Currency Account-i
Foreign Currency Time Deposit-i
A Fixed Deposit for 4 global currencies: AUD, GBP, SGD and USD.
Foreign Currency Call Account-i
A call account for 4 global currencies: AUD, GBP, SGD and USD.

Children's Account-i
An account to teach your child the importance of savings.

Protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor. Learn more