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Note: Please do not key in any confidential information, such as your account number and personal details. The use of the Enquiry Assistant chatbot service is subject to our terms & conditions.
To begin, click on the “Need help?” icon.
Note: Please do not key in any confidential information, such as your account number and personal details. The use of the Enquiry Assistant chatbot service is subject to our terms & conditions.
Submit your request to make a change if you are a sole proprietor or the authorised person of your company,
or use the forms below if your company requires more than 2 authorised persons to make a change.
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Apply and Manage OCBC Velocity
OCBC Velocity Authoriser
Acknowledgement Form
Statutory Payments Registration Form
Terms and Conditions:
Business Account Opening Form
Business Account Update Form
DuitNow Registration and Maintenance Form
Combined Conventional and Islamic:
Authorised Person listing form (To Transact in Treasury Products)
Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities) [W-8BEN-E]
DNC Form / Letter of Declaration and Indemnity (Fund Receipt Purpose)
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS) Self-Certification Form for Entities
Minutes of Meeting
Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification [W-9]
Short term money market deposit (STMMD) / Short term Treasury Deposit-i (STTDi) (Please download the form to use)
Audit Confirmation Request Form
FAQ for Audit Confirmation Request
Resident Payor Declaration Letter (Exporter)
Terms and Conditions:
EMM Business Financing Application Form (for EmB customer only) (Conventional)
EMM Business Financing Application Form (for EmB customer only) (Islamic)
Letter of Credit Application Form (Cash-Backed) (for EmB customer only)
Overdraft/FOREX Forward Line Application Form (Cash-backed) (for EmB customer only)
FOREX Forward Line-i Application Form (Cash-backed) (for EmB customer only)
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
Repayment Assistance (PEMULIH) Service Request Form
EMM Business Financing Application Form (for EmB customer only) (Conventional)
EMM Business Financing Application Form (for EmB customer only) (Islamic)
Letter of Credit Application Form (Cash-Backed) (for EmB customer only)
Overdraft/FOREX Forward Line Application Form (Cash-backed) (for EmB customer only)
FOREX Forward Line-i Application Form (Cash-backed) (for EmB customer only)
Forms are best viewed on desktop using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to view the content of this form, please download and save a copy in your local drive to access the form or upgrade your Adobe Reader to version 9 and above.
or visit us at any of our OCBC Branches nationwide.