Premier Banking - Contact | OCBC Malaysia

Always ready for your next move

At OCBC Premier Banking, enjoy the convenience of choice. Call, chat, video
conference, log in, or walk in. Multiple channels, but always the same warm,
personalised service. Because when you are ready, we are ready for you.

Always ready for your next move

Stay connected across multiple channels


Service you can count on

Helmed by a Relationship Manager, the team comprises a Relationship Officer and specialists in investments and loans.

Relationship Manager

Always at your service for all your financial needs and to help you protect and grow your wealth.

Investment Specialist

Provides you specialist advice on your investments.

Relationship Officer

Ensures your transactions and queries are processed with priority.

Loan Specialist

Guides you through your financing options, to better manage your liquidity.

Centre Manager

Support from a senior team member to give you the best of expertise.

Phone Instruction Service

Perform these services with just a phone call to your Relationship Manager

  • Transfer MYR funds between your OCBC accounts or to a 3rd party account* with OCBC or any other bank
  • Activate a dormant account*

*Not applicable to Premier account with the mandate, "All Must Sign."


  • Subscribe, redeem, switch or transfer your Unit Trust/-I
  • Buy, sell or transfer your retail Bond or Sukuk
  • Subscribe, rollover, top up and terminate your Structured Investments (SI) including your Dual Currency Investments (DCI)


  • Purchase insurance plans

Other services

  • Update your registered email address
  • Request for e-Statement
  • Conduct suitability assessment
Note: To transfer funds with Phone and Electronic Mail Instruction Services to a 3rd party account (any account other than the ones that belong to you or any account with another bank), you will first need to register that account as a predefined 3rd party account, at any OCBC Premier Centre nearest to you.


Sign up for Phone and Electronic Mail Instruction Services

Before you apply

PIDM disclosure

This deposit is protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor. Learn more

  • Deposit protectection is automatic.
  • PIDM protects depositors holding deposits with banks.
  • There is no charge to depositors for deposit insurance protection.
  • Should a bank fail, PIDM will promptly reimburse depositors over their deposits.

For more information, refer to PIDM's DIS Brochures that are available at our counters or go to the website at