Owning your dream home just became more affordable

We strive to make your dreams come true. In tangible ways. Whether you are purchasing a new home or refinancing your existing one, we have something you will appreciate.
Zero Moving Cost
We will help you shoulder the legal fee, stamp duty and valuation fee*, up to a maximum of RM20,000.
Complimentary Personal Accident Coverage**
Stay protected with RM100,000 worth of Personal Accident Coverage for a year.
*Legal costs (inclusive of stamp duty) and valuation costs for standard home financing documentation up to RM18,000 and RM2,000 respectively.
**Applicable to conventional loans only.
Promotion valid till 30 September 2023.
Visit www‌‌.ocbc.com.my/ZMC
or contact us at 03 8317 5000‌ to find out more.
Terms and Conditions apply.
OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad 199401009721 (295400-W).
OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad 200801017151 (818444-T). All rights reserved.