I want to open
New ID No.
Old ID No.
Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY)
Marital Status
Bumiputera Status
Highest Level of Education
State of your residential address
Are you a High Net Worth Individual (HNWI)?
Country of source of wealth:
Do you have banking products and services outside of Malaysia?
Country of Residency
Employment Type
Occupation Details
Employment Sector
Annual Income
Nature of Business
Employer's Name
Source of Funds
1. Are/Were you or any of your family members:
a. currently/previously a Politician who involved in the activities of a political organisation and/or has authority/influence over the account of the political organisation?
b. currently/previously a Senior Diplomat / working as a member of embassy and holding a senior position, responsible for country's affair, representative or equivalent?
c. currently/previously a Senior Management of International Organisation?
d. related to any Royal Families?
e. currently/previously working in a Governmental sector?
i. Please indicate the "Yes" declaration is applicable to which category:
ii. In which government sector are/were you or is/was your family member currently or previously working?
iii. What is/was your or your family member current/previous position?
iv. Are/Were your or your family member's current/previous position involved in decision-making in respect of financials and key strategic directions of the government sector?
v. Are/Were your or your family members currently/previously involved in the deliberation of (i) Government related projects (public procurement), or (ii) Award of licensing?
2. Does you or any of your family members have any pending criminal proceedings?
3. Have you or any of your family members ever been convicted within or outside Malaysia of any offence, in particular but not limited to any acts involving fraud, dishonesty or for consumption or possession of prohibited drugs or money laundering or terrorism financing or unlawful activities?
Mobile Number*
Home Number (Optional)
Office Number (Optional)
Do you expect any inward / outward foreign remittances within the next 3 months?
Inward remittance from which countries?
Expected amount of inward remittances per month
Expected no of inward remittances per month
Purpose of inward remittances
Outward remittance to which countries?
Expected amount of outward remittances per month
Expected no of outward remittances per month
Purpose of outward remittances
Have an OCBC Debit Card?
Preferred Name on Card
Mother's Maiden Name
Daily Fund Transfer Limit
Daily Withdrawal Limit
Daily Purchase Limit
Allow Contactless Purchases
Cumulative Contactless Limit
Cumulative Contactless Count
Allow Overseas Cash Withdrawal
Allow Online / Card Not Present & Overseas Purchase
Preferred Branch for Account Opening and Debit Card Collection
Attachment of your MyKad
Attachment of your back MyKad
Your relevant document
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