Offer is not valid with any other on-going promotions, offers, loyalty programs , vouchers and /or discount.
Offer is valid on the eve of Public Holidays, on Public Holidays and special occasions. And subject to availability at time of booking, available.
Not valid on blackout dates: 21 December 2023-31 December 2023.
Offer is applicable for direct booking via “ “. Please state the Mastercard offer you wish to enjoy in the email upon booking and promo code: AZPS.
Offer is valid for group booking up to 8 rooms.
This offer may be subject to applicable tax, if any.
AZERAI LA RESIDENCE HUE Terms & Conditions apply.
Important Notes:
OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad as the card issuer merely provides payment convenience
and disclaims all liabilities and obligations in respect of any products, services or
representations by third parties. Usage of OCBC credit and debit cards is subject to the
terms and conditions in the OCBC Cardmember’s Agreement and OCBC Debit
Cardmember’s Agreement respectively.
Important Notes:
OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad merely provides payment convenience and disclaims all liabilities and obligations in respect of any products, services or representations by third parties. Usage of OCBC Credit and Debit Cards is subject to the terms and conditions in OCBC Cardmember’s Agreement.