You are never idle.
So why should your wealth be?

Why you will love this

Earn up to 3.55% a year when you purchase an eligible product for account balances of RM200,000 and above

No lock-in period and withdrawal penalty

Who can apply

Exclusively for OCBC Premier Banking clients only

Age 18 and above

Malaysian Citizens, Permanent Residents and Non-residents (subject to the country of origin)

OCBC Premier Booster Account-i is an excellent savings account that will make your money work harder for you.


For account balances of RM200,000 and above, enjoy higher profit rate of 2.35% a year.

Account Balance

2.35% a year
Balances of RM200,000 and above

2.50% a year
Balances of RM3 million and above

2.85% a year
Balances of RM10 million and above


1.20% a year

On the first RM50,000, RM200,000 or RM500,000 of your account balance for 4 months depending on the qualifying amount of selected investment.

For balances below RM200,000, a profit rate of 0.10% a year will be given. For comparison, a 1-month Fixed Deposit-i board rate is 2.55% a year as of 10 May 2023. The 4-month Effective Profit Rate for account balance of RM200,000 and qualifies for the Wealth Bonus on the first RM200,000 is 3.55% a year. 

Terms and conditions apply.


Enjoy the wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for 4 months when you invest in any new eligible wealth product from OCBC Al-Amin of at least:


Withdraw your funds at any time

Enjoy the freedom of withdrawing funds without penalty, as there is no holding period.

Enjoy the freedom of withdrawing funds without penalty, as there is no holding period.


Access your cash from ATM

Gain access to your cash from ATMs within the MEPS network for free1.

Gain access to your cash from ATMs within the MEPS network for free1.


Request for a sweeping facility

Have the power to issue cheques conveniently.

Have the power to issue cheques conveniently.

1MEPS fee for the first 4 withdrawals of each month will be waived. Subsequent withdrawals will be charged.


Discover how much profit you can earn

Calculate your profit

Investment or takaful product

Base rate1

0.00% a year

Base profit per month


Wealth Bonus rate2
Up to first RM50,000 only

0.00% a year

Wealth Bonus amount per month


Here is how much profit you earn

Total profit per month


4-month effective profit rate



The amount is calculated on per month (31 days) basis and is for illustration purposes only.

1Base profit per month is calculated based on account daily balance and will be paid on monthly basis.

2Wealth bonus per month is calculated based on account average balance and will be paid on monthly basis.

The calculator is for your convenience only and you have chosen to use it and rely on any results at your own risk. OCBC Bank will not under any circumstances accept responsibility or liability for any losses that may arise from a decision that you may make as a result of using the calculator.

Before you apply

Terms and conditions

Important notices

PIDM Disclosure

This deposit is protected by PIDM up to RM250,000 for each depositor.

  • Deposit protection is automatic.
  • PIDM protects depositors holding deposits with banks.
  • There is no charge to depositors for deposit insurance protection.
  • Should a bank fail, PIDM will promptly reimburse depositors over their deposits.

For more information, refer to PIDM's DIS Brochures that are available at our counters or go to the website at

Get in touch

Give your wealth the distinct advantage.


Common Questions

  1. How different is the OCBC Premier Booster Account-i from other savings account?

    The OCBC Premier Booster Account-i is a savings account exclusively for Premier Banking members that rewards you with a high base profit rate based on your balances. In addition, it rewards you with wealth bonus when you invest with OCBC Al-Amin.

  2. How is the profit calculated?

    You get two types of profit on your account balance every month.

    1. Base profit: This profit is accrued daily based on your account's day-end balance and you will receive this at the end of the month. Your base rate will be based on your balances.
    2. Wealth bonus: This profit will be applicable to the first RM50,000, RM200,000 or RM500,000 of your account's average daily balance, depending on the investment amount. You will receive this by the 14th business day of the following month or earlier; truncated to 2 decimal places. No wealth bonus will be paid to your OCBC Premier Booster Account-i if the total amount of bonus in such month is less than RM0.01.
  3. What will happen when my account balance falls below RM200,000?

    The base profit of 0.10% a year will be accrued based on the days where your account balance falls below RM200,000.

    For example:

    If you have maintained your account balance below RM200,000 between the 1st - 15th of the month, then your base profit accrued for this account balance will be 0.10% a year from 1st - 15th of the month. Subsequently, if you maintain your account balance at or above RM200,000 between the 16th - 31st of the month, then your base profit accrued for this balance will be 2.35% a year from the 16th - 31st of the month.

    Dates Account balance Base profit accrued
    1-15 Aug RM180,000 0.10% a year.
    16-31 Aug RM220,000 2.35% a year.
  4. Can I open more than one OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?

    You may only open ONE OCBC Premier Booster Account-i whether in own name or in joint names, where you are the primary account holder.

  5. Can I use the money in my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?

    Yes, you can. There is no lock-in period for this account. You can withdraw money with a debit card-i and/or access your money through OCBC Online Banking.

  6. Where can I withdraw money from my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?

    You can withdraw money from any ATM operated by OCBC Group, comprising of OCBC Bank in Malaysia & Singapore, OCBC Al-Amin, OCBC NISP (Indonesia) and OCBC Wing Hang (Hong Kong and Macau) at no charge.

    You can also withdraw from any ATM within the MEPS network where your MEPS fee for the first 4 withdrawals of each month will be waived. Subsequent withdrawals will be charged.

    For the latest fees and charges, please click here

Wealth Bonus
  1. How do I qualify for the wealth bonus?

    You need to invest in any eligible wealth product of at least the minimum amount with OCBC Al-Amin Bank. Only investments made from 18 December 2020 onwards will be eligible.

    Note: To ensure that the product you invest meets your financial needs, our Relationship Manager will perform a Financial Needs Analysis with you in order to help you make an informed decision.

  2. When will I receive the wealth bonus?

    Payment starts the following month after either (i) the free look/cancellation period ends; or (ii) 14 days after the effective date of investment, whichever is later. Effective date of purchase refers to the inception date of the takaful product and trade date of Unit Trust-i

    Effective date of investment Date after free look/cancellation period or 14 days after Effective Date of investment First month of wealth bonus
    1 January 15 January January (Wealth bonus will be credited in February)
    20 January 3 February February (Wealth bonus will be credited in March)
  3. How will I know that the base profit is credited to my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?

    Your base profit will be reflected in your Premier Wealth Report, Online Banking and Mobile Banking transaction history as PROFIT CREDIT.

  4. How will I know that the wealth bonus is credited to my OCBC Premier Booster Account-i?

    Your wealth bonus will be reflected in your Premier Wealth Report, Online Banking and Mobile Banking transaction history as WEALTH BONUS. If you close your account before the wealth bonus crediting date, the wealth bonus for the previous month will be forfeited.

  5. Can I combine multiple wealth product investments of the same type to qualify for the wealth bonus?

    Yes, you can, provided that you fulfil the conditions below:

    1. Effective dates of the investment after the free-look/cancellation period end or 14 days whichever is later must fall in the same calendar month. For example,
      Effective date of investment Date after free-look/cancellation period or 14 days after Effective Date of investment Total investment amount Qualify for wealth bonus? Wealth Bonus is applicable to
      5 January 2021
      RM5,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge
      19 January 2021 RM20,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.75% sales charge Yes
      Effective dates for both purchases after free-look/cancellation period or 14 days whichever later, fall in the same calendar month.
      First RM50,000 average daily balance
      15 January 2021
      RM15,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i Fund B with 2.75% sales charge
      29 January 2021
      5 January 2021
      RM5,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge
      19 January 2021 RM20,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.75% sales charge No
      Effective dates for both purchases after free-look/ cancellation period or 14 days whichever later, do not fall in the same calendar month.
      Not applicable
      28 January 2021
      RM15,000 lump sum investment in Unit Trust-i Fund B with 2.75% sales charge
      11 February 2021
    2. Investment of the same wealth product meeting the minimum eligibility criteria. For example,
      Effective date of investment Total investment amount Qualify for wealth bonus? Wealth Bonus is applicable to
      5 January 2021
      RM50,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge
      RM80,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with 2.25% sales charge Yes First RM200,000 average daily balance
      15 January 2021
      RM30,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.25% sales charge
      Examples of investment which involve different sales charge or wealth products:
      Effective date of investment Total investment amount Qualify for wealth bonus? Wealth Bonus is applicable to
      5 January 2021
      RM70,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge
      RM85,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge Yes
      Both purchases in total fulfilled the minimum eligible criteria of RM80k with min sales charge 2.25%.
      First RM200,000 average daily balance
      RM15,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge
      5 January 2021
      RM150,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge
      RM290,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge Yes
      Both purchases in total fulfilled the minimum eligible criteria of RM200k with min sales charge 2.35%.
      First RM500,000 average daily balance
      15 January 2021
      RM140,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge
      5 January 2021
      RM10,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.25% sales charge
      RM25,000 lump sum Unit Trust-i investment with different sales charge No
      Sales charge for Fund A must be a minimum of 2.75% to be recognised as total eligible investment.
      Not applicable
      15 January 2021
      RRM15,000 lump sum investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge
  6. What happens if I qualify for the wealth bonus more than once and the bonus periods overlap?

    If you make multiple investments of eligible wealth products and qualify for wealth bonus more than once, for months which different bonus periods overlap, only one wealth bonus will be accorded and the bonus period with a higher bonus amount will be accorded.

    Example 1

    Effective date Wealth purchase Wealth bonus is applicable to
    1 January 2021 RM20,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge First RM50,000 average daily balance from January to April 2021
    3 March 2021 RM80,000 investment in Fund B with 2.25% sales charge First RM200,000 average daily balance from March to June 2021

    For the overlapping months (March 2021 to June 2021), you will enjoy a maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus period which accord the higher bonus amount, i.e., for the first RM200,000. You may refer to the illustration below.

    Example 2

    Effective date Wealth purchase Wealth bonus is applicable to
    1 January 2021 RM200,000 lump sum investment in Fund A with 2.75% sales charge RM200,000 average daily balance for 4 months from January 2021 to April 2021
    1 March 2021 RM20,000 investment in Fund B with 2.75% sales charge First RM50,000 average daily balance for 4 months from March 2021 to June 2021

    For the overlapping months (March 2021 to April 2021), you will enjoy maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus period which accord higher bonus amount, i.e., for the first RM200,000. Thereafter, you will continue to enjoy the maximum wealth bonus of 1.20% a year for the bonus amount on the first RM50,000. You may refer to the illustration below.

  7. How long can I enjoy the wealth bonus for if I qualify for it?

    As long as you have invested in an eligible wealth product with an effective date of investment after either (i) the free-look/cancellation period ends; or (ii) 14 days whichever later, you will enjoy the wealth bonus according to the predetermined period below:

    Eligible wealth product Wealth purchase
    Regular contribution takaful 4 months for eligible wealth products purchased from 18 December 2020 onwards
    Unit Trust-i lump sum investment
  8. Do I continue to get this wealth bonus if I redeem my investments or when they mature?

    Yes. You will continue to get this wealth bonus.

  9. Do I continue to get this wealth bonus if I cancel my investment and/or policy during the free-look/cancellation period?

    No, you will not be eligible for the wealth bonus. The wealth bonus is accorded for only after the effect date of purchase, after the free look/cancellation period of 14 days, whichever is later.

  10. How can I pay for the eligible wealth products?

    There are many ways to pay for eligible wealth products:
    Takaful: Cash, credit card or Auto Debit (via OCBC account)
    Unit Trust-i (lump sum investment): Cash, Auto Debit (via OCBC account) or EPF account for applicable funds

  11. Where can I find more information on the eligible wealth products?

    For the full list of eligible wealth products, please click here
    For takaful, please click here
    For Unit Trust-i, please click here

  12. What are the financial products excluded from wealth bonus?

    These are examples of financial products that do not qualify for wealth bonus:
    Dual Currency Investment (DCI)
    Financing Facility
    Foreign Exchange (FX)
    Takaful term plans

  13. If I have multiple Premier Booster accounts-i, which account will my wealth bonus be paid to?

    The wealth bonus will be paid to the account with the higher bonus amount. In the event the wealth bonus amount is the same for several accounts, then the wealth bonus will be paid to the account with the largest account number.

Important notes

  1. OCBC Premier Booster Account-i is applicable to OCBC Al-Amin Premier Banking members only and all applicants must be at least 18 years old to apply. The minimum opening amount is RM200,000 and a minimum balance of RM20 must be maintained in the account. You will need to have an OCBC Premier Booster Account-i to enjoy the wealth bonus.
  2. OCBC ARIP-i is not eligible for wealth bonus.
  3. The wealth bonus is accorded after either (i) the cancellation period ends; or (ii) 14 days after the effective date of purchase, whichever is later. Effective date of purchase refers to the inception date of the takaful product and trade date of Unit Trust-i.
  4. You will receive it by the 14th business day of the following month.
  5. The minimum sales charge for eligible Unit Trust-i investments is 2.75% a year for lump sum investment below RM80,000 and 2.25% a year for lump sum investment of RM80,000 and above.
  6. You will need to be the primary account holder of the OCBC Premier Booster Account-i as well as the primary account holder of the eligible investment product.
  7. To ensure that the product you subscribed to meets your financial needs, your Relationship Manager will perform a Financial Needs Analysis with you in order to help you make an informed decision.