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Our Corporate Banking, CCSD and PQD staff raise RM50,000 to provide necessities to the underprivileged through four charity organisations

Our Corporate Banking, CCSD and PQD staff raise RM50,000 to provide necessities to the underprivileged through four charity organisations

  • 27 Aug 2001

27 August 2021


Through a “Collaboration as One” fund raising effort, our Corporate Banking division – in collaboration with Corporate & Commercial Banking Services & Documentation and Portfolio Quality – passed the hat around to raise RM50,000 (over three months) to support the underserved communities who were severely affected by the pandemic. The assistance enabled four partner agencies to provide affected families with what they needed most urgently – necessities and gadgets to ensure the children could continue their online learning.

Beneficiaries: Kechara Soup Kitchen, Yayasan Generasi Gemilang, Great Heart Charity Association, Hope Worldwide Malaysia

People impacted: 378 families

OCBC Volunteers: 83

Amount contributed: RM50,000

What we gave: Rice, cooking oil, disposable masks, and digital gadgets for the children to access online education