A flexible, revolving short-term financing facility to support your business operation
A revolving short-term financing based on the Shariah concept of Ijarah to support working capital requirements.

Flexible utilisation of the facility (utilise, pay and reutilise) up to the limit

No commitment fee will be imposed on unutilised portions of the facility

Competitive pricing packages
Eligibility requirements
Business registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) or authorities/district offices in Sabah and Sarawak.
Sole Proprietor, Partnership or Private Limited Company
Terms and conditions
or call us at +603 8314 9090
Business Cash-i
Fulfil your cash flow needs or implement your business expansion plans with our hassle-free financing.
Term Financing-i
A term financing based on the Shariah structure of Commodity Murabahah to finance your fixed assets and more.
Equipment Financing-i
An asset financing facility to finance the purchase of equipment, machineries or vehicles for business use and purposes permissible under Shariah.